Statement of Faith
• We believe the scriptures to be the final word in doctrine and practice and are infallible in the original languages.
• We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• We believe that God has created each individual as a person in their mother's womb and their gender is not to be altered by the choice of the individual.
• We believe that marriage is a covenantal relationship between one man and one woman and that God's design is that sexual relations should not be engaged in outside of marriage.
• We believe in the total depravity of humankind and its total inability to bring about salvation itself.
• We believe that the substitutionary death of the sinless, virgin born Jesus Christ is the only means for reconciling humankind to God and atoning for sin.
• We believe salvation is by grace through faith and that it is evidenced by works of righteousness and obedience.
• We believe that everyone who has been saved is responsible to work toward evangelization of the world and the spread of the Kingdom of God and its values upon the earth.
• We believe that Jesus Christ will physically return to earth and gather unto Himself His church, judge the world and bring about His reign upon the earth.
Core Values
Servanthood - Jesus calls us to servanthood. As servants, we seek not to elevate ourselves but to focus on the needs of others. We treat others with humility and respect, affirming their dignity. We strive to provide exemplary service and as faithful servants we exhibit careful stewardship of our gifts, time, finances, and material resources.
Quality - To give our best to the Lord we serve, we deliver excellence in our work, products, services, and relationships. When excellence is our goal, "good enough" is simply not good enough. To build our reputation of legendary quality we assume nothing. To avoid errors and improve efficiency we strive to "do it right the first time." We value the opinions of others, and welcome their review and critique.
Innovation - The Mustard Seeds environment is one of constant change. We're always looking for "a better way" in our products as well as in our internal operations. We're not afraid to take calculated risks, acknowledging that some of our pioneering efforts will result in failure. But we learn from our failures and press on. Never satisfied with "the way we've always done it," we're willing to challenge the status quo.
Authentic Learning - Mustard Seeds’ resources focus on learning, rather than simply teaching. Education is effective only when the learner is actively involved in the process. Through active (learning by doing) and interactive (talking with others) learning, Mustard Seeds’ learners experience God's truths and apply them to their lives. We concentrate on the essentials of the Christian faith, helping learners of all ages to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.
People Friendliness - We believe our work environment should be friendly, fun, fair, and forgiving. We communicate directly with one another, sharing our concerns with those who can best affect the situation. We handle our differences with love and tact, without raising our voices or lowering our integrity. We encourage continual self-improvement, allowing each individual to grow in value, effectiveness, and self-fulfillment and together we work hard, enabling fair salaries, benefits, and the sharing of financial success.